Our Apps

AI Photo Background Remover

Automatically isolate the subject in your photo with our AI-powered background remover.

Need to remove the background from a picture to do some editing, create stickers, realise your favourite design, or perhaps just to remove someone who walked into your photo? Do it near-instantly, fully free and unlimited with our AI Photo Background Remover!

  • Always free. We do not impose any limits on how many photos you can process, nor do we require you create an account. (We're funded by ads instead!)
  • Fully local processing. We do not send your photos to any server, all processing happens on-device.
  • Powered by our latest AI models. Achieve the best quality background removal thanks to our cutting-edge machine learning models.

We've developed and tested AI Photo Background Remover on a wide range of pictures, so you can be sure that it can handle any image you throw at it! It's also fully local, so you can be sure that your photos are safe and secure.


AI Photo Background Remover is available for free on the App Store and Google Play Store. To get started, tap on the respective link below.

AI Photo Background Remover icon App Store Google Play

You may also wish to consult the relevant privacy policy.